Who is Super Coffee?
Coffee makes the world go ‘round. Or at the very least it keeps us going while we try to keep up with the world going ‘round. And while we all love our flavorful iced coffees and frappuccinos, all the calories, sugar, and carbs may not be for the best in the long run.
Featured on Shark Tank, Super Coffee set out to improve coffee, as well as enhance the experience of drinking coffee as a whole. A healthier coffee with better ingredients is something one could feel better about drinking, not to mention the benefits the body would get from better fuel. Drinking coffee could be a much more positive experience, and this was the approach the DeCicco brothers took in creating Super Coffee.
What did they want to achieve with Wallaroo?
Super Coffee asked Wallaroo to create ads for two new Super Coffee campaigns centered around their new, plant-based flavors. One highlighted the advantages of Super Coffee over different popular kinds of coffee, such as frappuccinos from Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts, while the other utilized user-generated content to raise awareness of the new line of coffee and its benefits.
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