Last updated: October 22, 2020.
The Complete Guide to Snap Ads
This is a concise, but complete, guide to the ins and out of Snap Ads. We are an OFFICIAL Snapchat Advertising Partner (verify here). We share minimum ad spend numbers, fees, targeting, formats, etc. If you have any questions, contact us today!
Snap Ads Details:
- Minimum Ad Spend – $5/day
- Snap Ads Management Fee – 20% of total ad spend with $1,000/month minimum (lower if spend is $30k+)
- Countries Available – United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Austria, Chile, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Belgium, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Singapore, and Switzerland and more being added every day.
- Target by mobile OS (Android or iOS), cell service carrier, connection type (WiFi or mobile data), device make, etc.
- Demographic Targeting Options – Location, Gender, Age, Household Income, Household Makeup (presence of children, etc.), Education Level, Life events, Occupation, Marital Status, Interests, and more. (See full list of current interest targeting options below)
- Targeting Options – Goal-based bidding for app installs, Lookalike audiences, Customer match (by email or mobile IDs), Retargeting (only retargeting based on actions within Snapchat), “Snap to Store” (offline conversions)
- Ad Reporting Metrics – Impressions, click rate, swipe-up rate, video views (reporting views to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%), average screen time, installs, internal app actions, conversions such as add to cart, add billing, info, searches, page views, checkout, etc., and ‘cost-per’ metrics associated with each of those categories.
- Tracking Options – Vanity URLs, UTM tags, mobile-friendly landing page
- Ad-Type Options – Awareness Growth, Video views, App installs (swipe-up leads to app install page), Web views (swipe-up leads to landing page of your choice – can be gamified, show content, collect information, etc.), App Engagement, Dynamic Ads
- Ad Creative Options – Vertical video, may include still images (click here for video specs)
- Snapchat recently opened up programmatic advertising to fill space inside the content sections of the app (not available to the public yet)
- Story Ads in the Discover section are now available
- Impression bidding on A/R lenses are now available for all advertisers
- Lenses are also available for increased user engagement
- Total Snapchat daily users – 249 million
- Over 90% of 13-24 year olds in the U.S. are reached daily on Snapchat, and over 75% of the 13-34 age bracket
- CPMs are under $1 right now
- Over 50 Snapchat Shows have get at least 10 million viewers per month
- Time spent watching Discover content has increased 35% year over year
- Are you interested in starting a campaign on Snapchat? Then you’ve come to the right place. We’re your team from creative and strategy, to execution and management.
Snap Ad Interest Targeting Options:
Adventure Sports, Fitness, Snow Sports, Running, Sports, Motor Sports, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, College Football, Hockey, Combat Sports, Soccer, Tennis, Beach & Watersports, Skates/Bikes/Boards
Arts & Culture, Beauty, Reading, Fashion & Style, Autos & Vehicles, Nightlife, Investing & Entrepreneurship, Food, Technology & Gadgets, Travel, Women’s Lifestyle, Math & Science, Home Decor, Men’s Lifestyle, Outdoors & Nature, College Life, Streaming Video, DIY, Hip Trends, Pets & Animals, Fast Food Junkies, Cooking, Parenting & Family, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Green Living, Photography
Music, Country Music, Concerts & Festivals, Indie Music, Dance & EDM Music, Pop Music, Urban & Hip-Hop Music
Film & TV, Comedy, Reality TV, News, Business News, Celebrity News, Political News, Video Games, Console Games
More on Snap Ads Types:
Snapchat recently added a new reach/frequency targeting type akin to TV advertising. It’s in beta, but brands are loving it thus far. Read more about it here.
“Snap to Store” offline conversions: The new ad format is performing very well. Wendy’s used these new ads in their U.S. stores and promoted the Jalapeño Fresco Chicken Sandwich. The ads drove 42,000 visitors to a Wendy’s within seven days of viewing it. “Foot traffic into our restaurants is the best measurement of short-term sales success for any program. ‘Snap to Store’ is a big win for Wendy’s for this reason — we want more ad tech like this,” Brandon Rhoten, Wendy’s head of advertising, digital/social and media, said in a statement to Mashable.
Snapchat recently introduced ‘Max Reach’ as a new ad unit within Snap Ads campaigns. Max Reach is a way to basically do a full ad takeover of an entire country, ensuring that anyone who logs in to Snapchat on a given day would see your ad. To learn more about Max Reach click here.
As of September 2019, Snapchat extended video ads to up to 3 minutes in length. They also started allowing swipe ups for commercials (six second ads) and goal-based bidding. All great developments for the platform.